Hello! I'm trying out using Paragraph for longer form, lightly edited thoughts. If you're receiving this via email, you signed up at some point!
I woke up this morning and saw a cast from Tarun on SBF:
To which I responded:
And then further:
To which he tweeted:
And there was a bunch of discussion.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a guilty as anyone in engaging in schadenfreude, but as I've gotten older I've found myself more often reflecting on what it would be like to be in the other person's shoes. Not condoning behavior, but what it would physically feel like to have the fear and uncertainty of looming decades in a prison cell. You sort of lose the appetite to take the cheap shot (or at least your direct at a more irreverent situation). No one is forcing you to tweet / cast the hot take.
Any human being—no matter how awful and deserving—spending decades in a prison cell is tragic. Necessary? Likely. Harsh reality? Yes. But still tragic on a human level.
P.S. — when I went to start writing this, this cast was at the top of my feed.
Over 700 subscribers
.@bountycaster 100 USDC to diagnose & fix issues with certain URLs not appearing on Searchcaster 2 examples of URLs shared on FC but missing from Searchcaster: paragraph.xyz/@kaloh/unconventional-ways-to-grow-and-own-your-audience dwr.email/go-to-directly-to-jail
Searchcaster repo: https://github.com/gskril/searchcaster FC indexer repo: https://github.com/gskril/farcaster-indexer @greg may also be able to point you in the right direction
@bountybot whoops tagged the wrong bot
I'm actually pretty interested in this too since it may affect Bountycaster. @bountybot chip in 10 USDC please 🫡
@greg is there any opportunity to perform our own queries on Searchcaster's Supabase? are you able to see the casts mentioned by Colin are indexed correctly? or do you think it's an information retrieval / query problem?
idk if there's an easy/secure way to open it up, but you should be able to get it running locally by following the readme here https://github.com/gskril/farcaster-indexer/ it won't index as far back as in the prod database but should be more than enough for testing
Is there a chance you could simply peek in the dataset and see if those casts that were mentioned in this thread are indexed? I know it’s an ask, so no worries if you can’t right now. Knowing the answer to this saves us a lot of time. 
The issue is that searchcaster’s URL search expects http/https:// in the cast text, but the links you shared don’t have it. If you do a normal text search for those links without the protocol included they show up correctly
I don’t think they’re always showing up, eg https://warpcast.com/kaloh/0xe7b755a1
Ah I see I have noticed other non-url missing casts recently too, so I wonder if there’s a larger issue with SC
@kenny any ideas?
with my quick check, "@" within URLs makes trouble on searchcaster. If you include "@" in a query, you cannot get expected search results. For "go-to-direct-to-jail", some of casts includes "." after the URL as a part of URL string, which makes a trouble as follows (this is not a problem on warpcast web client) :
Is there a secondary marketplace for @paragraph issues? I tried to collect this from @dwr.eth, but it is sold out. What's the floor đź‘€?
Doesn't look sold out to me @kaloh - are you getting an error message indicating it is?
Oh I thought it was 100 sold out of 100 Let me try again
switched to base chain and collected now đź‘Ť